Saturday, September 08, 2007

Ojinaga, September 15th...Mariachi Santa Cruz!

The gig is on! Come see Mariachi Santa Cruz play at the zocalo (town square) in Ojinaga on Saturday, September 15, 2007. This event is basically Mexico's equivalent to our July 4th. There will be LOTS of people, food booths, the Presidente Municipal reciting the "Grito de Independencia" (Viva Mexico!), fireworks, plus entertainment. Mariachi Santa Cruz will perform at 9:00 PM, but expect that time to be subject to fluctuations in the event schedule (The party will basically get going at sundown.).

If you've never been to this event, you might want to make this year's celebration a first. Ojinaga is relatively easy to navigate. After crossing the border, drive straight ahead several blocks to Trasvina y Retes. At this intersection turn right and head north until you get close to the zocalo (square). It will be crowded and congested so be prepared to park about two or three blocks away. OJ time is one hour behind Presidio, but as long as you're there by sundown you'll see practically everything.

We hope you can make it!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Thanks Marfa! Maybe an OJ gig on September 15th?

Thanks Blackwell School Alliance for everything. You guys are numero uno with The Resonators! And many thanks to everyone who came out to Vizcaino Park on September 2nd. We sure hope you liked the show. It was a pleasure and a privilege being there with you. Hopefully we'll see everyone on New Year's Even at the Marfa Activity Center.

On Friday John and Taro will meet with members of the organizing committee of the September 16th festivities in Ojinaga. We're hopeful that Mariachi Santa Cruz (alias "The Resonators") will be able to perform for all the folks of Ojinaga on Saturday, September 15th during the activities leading to the traditional "grito". If you've never been to OJ during this event, maybe you have a reason now... It's Mexico, and it'll be a Saturday night. You can sleep it off on Sunday!

See you soon.