Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Fiesta del Sol

A highlight of The Resonators' summer performance calendar is the upcoming Fiesta del Sol in Alpine. The gig will happen at the Granada starting at 8:00 PM, so we'll see you there! If you haven't seen a show at the Granada, it's one of the classiest performance venues around, plus it's smoke-free. Mark Pollock--music biz heavy-hitter extraordinaire--will run sound for us, so we'll be good to go.

Last Friday we played a great show at Railroad Blues. Leading up to the gig we had a ride snafu that was--at the time--pretty unnerving. In a nutshell, Taro, Chino, and Manolo went straight to Alpine, while Lucy, Marty, and I waited in Presidio for them. After two and a half hours passed, we guessed they had gone on their own, which they had. Planning to arrive at the Blues by 5:30, we finally rolled in at 8:00 PM. After hashing it all out, it was determined that the ride arrangements got lost in communication. All in all, I guess you could say it was a scary afteroon wondering what was going on, but it really did seam to get the adrenaline flowing for the show.

Saturday we played a party at La Cienega (Cibolo Crek Ranch). The gig, again, went very well, but not until we spent an hour trying to figure out which ranch gate we were supposed to use. Nothing like staring at a picturesque ranch (with camels!) and knowing you have a job to play, but wondering how everyone else got in, except us! Finally a ranch employee answered the phone and we figured everything out. Hurry up and wait, verse 2!

Once again, we sure hope to see you all this coming Saturday!

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Summer in Presidio

School's over and we're a week into June. It's definitely summertime in Presidio.

The Presidio schools have their act together, offering summer school to students who need it, plus enrichment and work programs for any others who are interested. Outside of not having a city swimming pool (and that's a major deficiency!), kids shouldn't have many reasons to be bored. Thanks to Presidio Schools superintendent Dennis McEntire for spearheading these activities for our youth.

The community will celebrate July 4th with a free street dance and fireworks. The Resonators will play and the volunteer fire department will handle the fireworks. Everything will happen downtown, starting at sundown.

Other than that, gotta love that oven heat which is Presidio summertime! Actually the summer for us started around May 1st (and a few selected days in April). If you've never been to Presidio when it's hot, you should come visit. Presidio is one of those places known for being really hot. We don't sunbathe here. In fact we take cover under the closest rock and don't come out until around 7:00 PM. Now if you want to know what extreme heat feels like, go to Phoenix or Death Valley. Believe it or not, there are places that get even hotter than Presidio.

Our summers stretch easily until mid-September, with warm days lasting until late October. Usually the September 16th celebration in Mexico coincides with the beginning of cooler evenings.

Enjoy your summer wherever you are!